Word Processing
A word processor is just a computerized type writer. You use it to enter, edit, arrange, and print next you can use one to create memos, letters , reports, brochures any printed material. All word processors are designed for producing different kinds of written documents. Some are simple they have features for typing, editing and printing. Some word processing programs are complex they have features for formatting characters and pages, and or incorporating drawings, tables and charts into documents.

You would benefit from using a word processor if you:

  1. Spend a lot of time typing and revising documents.
  2. Send out mailings.
  3. Write documents of any kind. Some features to consider in a word processing package include.
  4. Word wrap features that automatically wrap text from the end of one line to the beginning of the next time. If a word processing program has no word wrap, it means you don’t need to press enter at the end of each line unlike a type writer, where you hit return  wherever you get to the end of line. This makes it easy to insert of delete text. The word processing program automatically adjusts the time breaks.
  5. Features that enable you to copy and move text from one place in a document to another, or to text easy. Drag and drop editing enables you to accomplish these taks using a mouse you just selected the text and drag it to its new place in the document.

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