HArD COpy:

  1. Paper output is known as hard copy. 
  2. Hard copy is tangible and permanent. 
  3. Hard copy produced by a printed on paper. 
  4. The principal hard copy output devices are printers plotters, and microfilm output devices. 
  5. Soft copy is best for information that needs to be viewed only occasionally or a few moments. 
  6. Example of hard copy output is news papers, books magazines etc. 

SOft Copy:
  1. Screen output is known as soft copy. 
  2. Soft copy is intangible and temporary. 
  3. Soft copy produced by a monitor on screen. 
  4. The principal soft copy output devices are monitors and sound of voice output devices. 
  5. Hard copy output is bets for information that may be used later or that may have greater value over time. 
  6. Examples of soft copy output's are ATM Machine, air lines departure and arrivals display. 

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